150 billion new clothes produced each year.... and 40% goes straight to landfill.

150 billion new clothes produced each year.... and 40% goes straight to landfill.

First of all, although the title is shocking and scary , One thing Retribe Clothing isn't about is preaching or making people feel rubbish. 

We are here for the facts and of course the SOLUTION! Woop. Because that is what our movement is about, showing what you can REmake out of the stuff we already have in volume, on a scale that can be rolled out- world wide! imagine that. *IMAGINES IT*

Let's chat about the textile industry and its impact on our planet. While fashion is all about expressing ourselves and feeling fabulous, it's important to know that the textile industry has a pretty big footprint on Mother Earth. From water consumption to chemical usage, it can be a real environmental heavyweight. Traditional manufacturing processes can generate tons of waste and contribute to pollution. But fear not, the good news is that the industry is making strides towards sustainability. Many brands are embracing eco-friendly practices, using recycled materials, and championing fair labor practices. By choosing consciously, supporting sustainable brands, and opting for second-hand or upcycled fashion, we can all play a part in making fashion a force for good. So, let's look good and feel good about it, knowing we're making a positive impact on our planet! 🌍

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